Decodable Texts Teaching Plans Tier 2 Intervention

Schoolwide Decodable Text Teaching Plans:

Intensive, Systematic Instruction for Tier 2 Intervention

Schoolwide’s Decodable Texts Teaching Plans are designed to empower educators with the tools to support small-group targeted intervention for students who need additional support making the jump from isolated phonics skills mastery to the application of those skills in reading real texts. 


Our resources support MTSS frameworks implemented in schools, where the goal is to create supportive, equitable learning environments where students’ needs are met through targeted intervention.


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The resource that Reading and Intervention Teachers, Coaches, and Specialists have been waiting for…

Our Teaching Plans are easy-to-use, instructional roadmaps

Each plan is built to provide students with explicit and scaffolded opportunities to practice phonics decoding skills, with an emphasis on corrective feedback for assisting students as they navigate challenges in application while reading.

Plans include:

  • A set of Text Characteristics:
    Target decodable words, based on focus phonics skill and grade-appropriate high-frequency words.
  • Text Challenges to listen for and respond to during instruction.
  • Prior, During, and After the Read routine:

    A book introduction that guides students by modeling and drawing their attention to focus phonics skills when decoding, with recommended language to remind students of the strategies they will use when reading the text.

    Prompts for during the read to scaffold independent application of phonics and word-recognition skills.

    Detailed After the Read “Responding & Reinforcing” section, including word-solving and word-learning strategies to revisit based on your students’ needs.

  • Additional Independent/Partner Practice activities and texts to extend learning.

Zooming In On Assessments & Progress Monitoring

Schoolwide’s Decodable Texts Teaching Plans are part of a comprehensive Teacher’s Guide available for each grade level, K-2, which includes easy-to-use Screening, Diagnostic, and Progress Monitoring tools. These tools and assessments enable educators to make informed, data-driven decisions to ensure the effectiveness of intervention efforts – from targeted screening of individual student gaps to monitoring progress over time.


1. What frequency do you recommend for using Schoolwide’s Decodable Texts & Teaching Plans?

Scheduling flexibility is essential when it comes to providing the best learning environments for individual students. As a best practice, we recommend that Tier 2 intervention instruction occur 3 to 5 times a week for 30-45 minutes each session, depending on the unique needs of your students. These are best used in targeted small groups of 3 to 5 students.

2. How do your Teaching Plans fill the gap between phonics skills and reading in real texts, AND reading comprehension?

We’ve designed our plans with explicit and scaffolded opportunities for practicing decoding skills, and each “prior to,” “during,” and “after” plan component was created to empower teachers with the tools to help students make the jump from foundational skills mastery to reading with meaning. Each aspect of the plan includes easy-to-follow instructions, so that educators can guide students in a more targeted way based on their unique needs. Our goal is to support teachers in elevating their understanding of the language and instructional methods needed to support effective Tier 2 intervention efforts.

3. How do I ensure my students are progressing and growing as readers?

We recommend using your school’s literacy assessment data, along with some of our recommended screening assessments, to determine which students need intervention services. Assessing and monitoring student progress is a crucial aspect of a successful Tier 2 intervention program.

Once it has been determined who would benefit from Tier 2 intervention, we recommend individually administering diagnostic assessments to targeted students to determine which phonics and word recognition skills they have mastered, both in isolation and in contextual reading and writing, and which need additional teaching. These diagnostic assessments should take about 30 minutes per student. Once intervention sessions have begun, it is imperative that intervention teachers regularly utilize progress monitoring tools to evaluate students’ acquisition of newly taught skills and strategies and determine if the interventions are working. Our Guides provide pre-assessments, specific skill assessments, observation forms, student matrices, and more, to support screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring decisions.

Have more questions about how you can use Schoolwide’s Decodable Texts Teaching Plans for Tier 2 intervention?

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